La Fiesta de San Fermin took second stage for a little more than two hours on Sunday night. A giant screen stood in the center of the main square and waves of red and gold replaced the fiesta’s red and white. The finals for the World Cup began and though we could see very little, we could feel so much. The bouncing, singing, clapping crowd sucked us in to the center of apprehension. There was NO celebration until the first and only goal, and that celebration was subdued compared to the goal celebration during the quarter finals a few nights earlier. The crowd did not let go of their apprehension until the final whistle on the pitch blew. But when it did, and when Espana had scored the only goal, the square erupted, and mixed with the Fiesta de San Fermin, few slept until morning.
We felt very fortunate to watch the game with the Spaniards, a warm, welcoming people. It says so much when three or four fans stood in Orange in the center of the crowd, and the Spaniards just let them cheer for their country’s team with no hassle. Imagine a Red Sox fan in a crowd of Yankees fans or if BYU was a country and the U was a country and one Cougar stood in the middle of Ute country; I doubt their reception would be so amiable. It says so much.
Purposefully lost in Barcelona. Instead of a hotel, we rented an apartment. Instead of speaking English, we have vowed to only speak Spanish unless attacked by hostile meerkats. 30 days before the trip (la preparacion). 30 days in Barcelona (la experiencia). 30 days after (la seperacion). Que triste. 30 Daze en Barthelona!?xml:namespace>